Pencil Villain Takeover

The full version of this article was first published at: Pencil Villain Takeover

FREE PREMIUM ACCESS Starting now until Monday, October 31st @ 11:59pm Pacific Picmonic HQ is under siege. Pencil Villain has invaded our code and we’re…losing…control….scribble scribble scribble… Pencil Villain here! I’ve broken out of the Picmonic Player and released all of the Picmonic characters. BWAHAHAHAHAHA! My partners in crime and I are now free for ALL to see. That’s right – FREE Premium access for anyone with a free trial account – until Monday, October 31st. We’ve been wreaking havoc across the office all day. Calcified Cow (Calcium) and Moth T-Rex (Methotrexate) are seriously enjoying their newfound freedom. Nothing can be done to take us down! May you forever be as sharp as I (regarding high-yield facts, that is), – Pencil Villain P.S. My accomplices and I may have had a little help from the inside…#TannerTheTraitor Email me at if you have any questions about my takeover or need general advice on evil-doings. (Visited 1 times, 1 visits today)
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