Why You Need to Reinvigorate Your Channel Program with Data

  Occasionally Allbound invites guest bloggers to contribute to our Partner Sales Acceleration conversation, and today’s blog post is from Michelle Gunter, Vice President, B2B Partner Channel at MarketStar. The one constant in the channel is change. 20 years in the channel has prepared me for change; however, I believe we are experiencing seismic shifts in the way customer purchase products and conduct business – which in turn is changing many of the partner fundamentals that have held true for decades. The following are just a few of those movements: The way customers purchase: the “buyers journey” How products are delivered and consumed: cloud, SaaS, mobile How much we know about both potential and current customers: big data, predictive analytics Because of these massive shifts, the customer and how we sell and deliver has outgrown traditional partners. From their revenue model right down to their operating model, the new customer is forcing vendors to outgrow legacy partners. It’s time for channel organizations to reinvigorate or re-tool their current channels by using data and a process-driven approach to partner recruitment and existing partner re-engagement.  The old solution has been, let’s go recruit lots of new partners and hope we get enough transacting by year’s end. This legacy strategy is flawed. Today’s successful channel organizations target the RIGHT partners and partner prospects and get them to transact quickly through proven process and tactics.  Ready to dive in and re-invigorate your channel program? Join us at CO:LLABORATE this November and we’ll show you…
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