Guide to Call Attribution for Digital Marketers: Optimize Calls and Clicks

Do you know how people use your website to contact your support team? Or which ads generate the most leads to your business? Better yet — which of your keywords convert the most leads to customers? Optimize campaigns with your call attribution Call attribution is one of the most valuable data points you can explore when utilizing call tracking. Using specific details gathered from your website visitors and campaigns, you can fill in attribution gaps and optimize your ad spend with ease. CallRail’s multichannel call attribution provides you with the information you need to make data-backed decisions. Using your visitor timelines and attribution reports, you’ll determine which campaigns are performing best for your business, and know the next steps you’ll have to take to ensure the success of your future campaigns. You’ll have access to granular information, including: The campaigns driving the most first-time callers The average duration of calls received by specific campaigns How many calls came from a specific campaign within a certain timeframe Let your clicks do the talking Multichannel attribution works by outlining every touchpoint that leads to a call, conversion, or sale. Let’s say a visitor finds your website through one of your AdWords campaigns. They click your ad, land on your site, and browse for a few minutes before calling your business and purchasing a product. A few weeks later, they’re browsing the web and come across one of your remarketing campaigns and click to your website again— making another call, and another purchase. With…
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