7 Things That Really Great Partner Sales Tools Do

With a lot of options out there, we thought we’d run down a list of must-haves for your ideal partner sales tool. While all of these are essential functions on their own, they can be even more powerful when combined into one tool. 1. Collaboration Suite Whether it’s sharing a sales playbook, or that new premium piece of content with your channel partners, you need to be able to do so quickly, effectively and securely. Having partner sales tools that give you a chance to streamline bilateral channel communication can save you time and lots of headaches. Combine in-app messaging with content sharing, and you increase your collaborative potential tenfold.Your partner sales tool should (at minimum): Help you stay organized within the channel (Are you running your channel, or is your channel running you?) Help you collaborate with your channel reps to foster learning and personal accountability Help you keep tabs on leads and deals (whether it’s an overview from thirty thousand feet or a detailed investigative report, 60-Minutes style) 2. Functional User Experience The most powerful tool in the world will go unused if the UX (user experience for the uninitiated)  is clunky and unrefined. The old saying “you can lead a horse to water but can’t make him drink” comes into play here. (I hate cliches almost as much as I hate bad UX, but as they say, “You have to fight fire with fire.”)It’s easier to encourage your channel partners to use a sales tool that is…
Read More: 7 Things That Really Great Partner Sales Tools Do