Using Workflows to Re-Create Form Actions for Form Captures

With ClickDimensions Actions, you can specify certain actions to trigger once someone has submitted a form, survey, and subscription management page created with ClickDimensions. ClickDimensions also allows users to integrate third party forms using form capture. Unfortunately, actions are not available for use with form captures, but fortunately you can replicate the functionality of actions using workflows.

Please note that all of the workflows will be based on the Posted Form entity, so an explanation of this initial step will not be repeated for each action. Also, the workflows can be consolidated if you’d like to use a couple of them together.



First, create an email template for your auto responder email, then create a new workflow by going to Settings > Processes > New. Name the workflow, select Posted Form for the entity, and select workflow for the category.

In the workflow properties, set Scope to Organization, and leave Start When set to Record is Created.

Begin the workflow by adding a Check Condition Step that determines if the name of the posted form record matches the name of the form capture for which you want to send an auto-responder email.

Next, create a two more check condition steps. The first step will determine if a contact submitted the form capture by checking to see if the posted form record’s contact field contains data. The second check condition step will determine if a lead submitted the form capture by checking to see if the posted form record’s lead field contains data.

Under both the contact check condition step and the lead check condition step, add Create Record steps and choose Send ClickDimensions Email from the create drop down list.


In Set Properties for the contact email, fill out the fields like a normal ClickDimensions Email Send, but use the Form Assistant Dynamic Values to set the recipient as {Contact(Posted Form)} in the Contact Field. To do this, set the look for fields to Posted Form and Contact. Click add, then click on the contact field and click OK. This will set the contact recipient for the create send ClickDimensions email record to be the same as the contact in the contact field of the posted form record.  Save and close the window, then repeat the process for the lead email, except set the recipient as {Lead(Posted Form)} in the Lead Field.


Once you activate the workflow, an auto-responder email will be sent any time a lead or contact submits your form capture.

Email Notification

Email notifications are emails containing a summary of all of the data submitted during a form submission that are sent to yourself, your colleagues, or whoever else needs the information. Just like for the auto responder workflow, navigate to settings -> processes, then create a workflow based upon Posted Forms.

The first step is to check whether an instance of your form capture was submitted by checking to see if a Posted Form record based upon your form capture has been created. If a posted form record has been created, you then check to determine whether or not the record is associated with a lead or a contact. Next, set the properties of the email that will be sent.

The workflow should look similar to this.


The notification email can be reproduced using a CRM email and dynamic values. Any information from the form capture that has been mapped to a lead or contact record can be inserted into the email by using dynamic values formatted as seen in the following screenshot; just choose the appropriate fields that you’d like to insert into the email. Note that this is the email based upon a form capture submission by a contact. The email for a lead would be the same, except dynamic values would look like “{First Name(Lead(Lead))}” instead.

The properties of the email that you send should look similar to this.


After setting up the workflow, save it then Activate it. Now whenever a form capture is submitted, email notifications of the posted form capture data will be sent to you, your team, or whoever you named as recipient in your workflow.

Add to Marketing List

In our October 15th release, we will be introducing the ability to add members to a marketing list via a workflow. You can read more about this in the feature sneak peak blog post here.

Follow Up or Campaign Response

The workflows for follow up activities or campaign responses will be identical outside of the record created, so both have been combined for this example. In this case our workflow is going to check to see if the posted form came from our form capture, then check to see if a lead or contact submitted the form.


If a contact has submitted the form, then we will create a task follow up activity as well as a campaign response. The activity records and campaign response will be populated with data in the same manner that the email notification was. The task in this example is set to be regarding the posted form, references the contact who submitted the form in the description, and is assigned to the owner of the contact.


The campaign response is a little more complex than the task. In this case, the customer is set as the contact who submitted the form, some details about the contact, such as company name and email address, are filled in from the contact’s record, and the campaign response is set to associate with the same campaign as the form.


If a lead submitted the form, then we will create a phone call follow up activity.


In this case, the Call From is set as the lead owner, the Call To is set as the lead who submitted the form, and the activity is set to be regarding the form submission.


Finally, if you would like to assign ownership of the lead or contact who submitted the survey to a particular user, you can accomplish this with a similar workflow.


Like our other workflows, we are going to check to see if the posted form came from our form capture, then check to see if a lead or contact submitted the form. For either one, all we will do is add an Assign Record Step and assign the contact to the desired user, or assign the lead to the desired user.

Written by Rhys Saraceni, ClickDimensions Marketing Success Manager



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