There must be an easier way! 4 quick tips when using ClickDimensions

Sometimes it’s the smallest things that can cause the most frustration. In this post, we’re going to make your day a little bit easier! Below are four quick tips that will solve a few frequently asked questions.

1. Which form is this???
Do you have so many forms that you can’t find the one that you want to edit? “Contact us”… “Contact form”… “Contact form 2″… sometimes when you’re staring at a list of form names, it’s hard to know which one is the one that you want to edit. Try this! Go to your website (or landing page, or wherever the active form appears), fill out and submit the form yourself. Then go to Marketing > Posted Forms in CRM, open the Posted Form that you just completed, and click on the Form link from there. You’ll be guaranteed that you’re editing the right form, not an imposter with a similar name!

2. I need a more accurate count!
Want to keep your numbers closer to reality when sending emails? When you press “send” on an email, the system will tell you how many people you are about to send to. However, that number does not always accurately represent how many people will actually receive your email. If you want that “send” number to be as close to how many will be delivered as possible, try the following:

  • In your queries for your Marketing Lists, make sure that the Email Address 1 field contains data, Do Not Allow Bulk Emails is set to “Allow,” and Do Not Allow Emails is set to “Allow,” in addition to any other criteria you want. NOTE: ClickDimensions will send to inactive contacts/leads if they are on the marketing list, so if you only want to include Active contacts/leads, make sure to set the Status to “Active.”
  • Read the out-of-office emails you get back to see if any of them say that that person has permanently left the company, and update records in your CRM to reflect those changes. Don’t want to flood the sender’s inbox with out-of-office messages? Make use of the Reply To feature in the Advanced Settings Area of the Email Send.


3. Who does this contact belong to?
Do you like to have your contacts owned by the same person who owns their Parent Account in CRM? When new contacts/leads come into the system that don’t have a parent account and someone sets that manually, they may be setting the owner manually too. A quick way to make this process more efficient is to create a CRM Workflow that sets the owner of the contact to the owner of the parent account when the Company field changes on the contact record.


4. I’m tired of entering the same data over and over again!
Do you spend too much time updating the same information on your lead or contact records? On forms you’ve created with ClickDimensions, use hidden fields to prevent entering the same information manually into Contact/Lead records many times. Pass data such as “lead source” with the form without it being visible to the customer. Here’s more about setting up hidden fields.

Written by Allison Macedo, ClickDimensions Product Manager


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