Updating your ClickDimensions Service User Password

The ClickDimensions service requires a CRM user account to be set up as a “service account.” If the password is changed for this user, the ClickDimensions service will be unable to communicate with CRM, and you will be unable to access ClickDimensions functions from within CRM.

Previously, if you wanted to update the password used by your ClickDimensions service user you would need to update your CRM password in Service Credentials before you changed it with Microsoft, and if you didn’t you would then contact ClickDimensions and have us update the user password on our end. As of our October 15th release, you can update the password from within your own CRM after the password has been changed with Microsoft.

To update the password, navigate to Service Credentials in ClickDimensions Settings.

You will see the window below. After you have changed the password with Microsoft, type the new password in here then type the captcha and click save.

You’ll then receive the following message stating that your password has been updated.

Be sure to also update the password in Active Directory (LiveID or Office 365 for CRM Online users) and allow 60 minutes for the connection to be reestablished. After that you are good to go!

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